Anna Talaj Natural Therapies

Hi, I'm Anna Talaj.

As a qualified and accredited Naturopath with 34 years of experience, I have really enjoyed helping people achieve or get back optimal levels of health and well-being.

My Approach

After working many years in the health industry I know that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to health and well-being care. I will always use an appropriate blend of Naturopathic modalities which address both symptoms and the underlying causes of health issues.

Dietary advice, Nutritional Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Lifestyle management, Blood and Diagnostic Test Reviews and Mental Health considerations are all part of the approach used to help you in your health goals.

The last 4 years I have been working in the Mental Health sector and am currently studying to be a Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist so I am excited to be adding this skillset to my practice.

Specialising In

Digestive Health, Bowel & Detox Support

The key to health starts in our GUT so this is a very important part of Naturopathic care.

Sleep Improvements

Having a good sleep routine has a huge impact on our waking hours so getting this right is worth the effort.

Immune Recovery & Strengthening

There are so many natural ways that can help to improve our immune system so ask me how.

Energy & Mood Imbalance

Consistent energy and mood can make a big difference to your day so make this a priority in your health care goals.

Mental and Emotional Stress Disorders

Managing your everyday stressors is key to maintaining mental and emotional balance so learning what works for you and your situation should be high on the list of self care.

Children's Health

The more you invest in your children’s early health and well-being development the better.

Dietary Advice & Education

We eat multiple times a day so our GUT health relies on what we feed it and how that is absorbed.

Supplement Advice and Prescriptions

Is the supplement you are taking the best one for you?

All Healthcare, All Ages

We can always improve our health whatever the age.